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Deaf Services has again been re-certified under the Human Services Quality Framework.


These Queensland Standards set the benchmark for how Deaf Services works in the areas of 
1.    Governance and Management
2.    Service access
3.    Responding to individual needs
4.    Safety, wellbeing and rights
5.    Feedback, complaints and appeals
6.    Human resources


The certification process will be moving across to a national Quality and Safeguarding Framework from July 2019, with Deaf Services well-positioned to meet or exceed all of the requirements of this new Framework.


Deaf Services has also successfully transitioned to the new Quality Management System Standard, ISO9001:2015. This new Standard has many different elements from its predecessor, including an increased focus on risk, a broader approach to who stakeholders are, and new requirement to demonstrate an understanding of the organisation’s work in the context of the broader external environment. While the transition didn’t require us to do too much differently, we did need to change how we captured the evidence that we are doing it and documenting the approaches we take to each of these areas.


By achieving certification against both of these Standards, all of Deaf Services’ clients, supporters, and staff can have confidence that the systems, processes and approaches used are designed to ensure the best possible outcomes for all involved.





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